The client’s presentation, which utilized a basic PowerPoint template, faced challenges in effectively showcasing the cancer treatment process. Important scientific terms related to the disease and treatment were not highlighted, affecting the overall clarity of the content.
Tailored the deck with shades of their brand colors for a personalized look
Emphasized drug-conjugated images for clear visual understanding
Improved overall visuals to highlight key details and showcase the final Targeted High-Capacity Drug Conjugate
After reading and doing some research on the subject, we got a good grasp of how their product works. We used animation to demonstrate the product in three steps, including all the important details. The on-click animation made it easy for them to explain
the slide to their audience smoothly.
Improved the visual of two separate processes coming together to create the final Targeted High-Capacity Drug Conjugate. This refined approach places a heightened emphasis on the remarkable end result.
Made their product stand out by having a higher DIAM than their competitors’ products. The use of different color shades suggests increasing DIAM values, which align with improved clinical effectiveness.